hear the buzz?

we love what we do!
Drive Social media Now

Welcome to socialbug.media - a social company

Social Bug helps companies create a buzz about your company!  Social media marketing, social media advertising, creating brand awareness, and engaging with the community is our forte. We use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to familiarize a company with potential customers.


We interact with the audience by using hashtags, interesting
content, quotes, helpful tips, and interactive questions.


Market research is done before a campaign is ever put into

perfectly timed

We time our post to hit at the best time of day to
reach the max audience possible.

vivid images

We only use the best
quality images that we have paid for your from your site!


We take the time to monitor and listen to your current community and potential audience to hear what they want!


We provide reports for all platforms to ensure that you are up to speed with your campaign!

#what customers say

john sellers - 904.Technology

We are constantly pumping out websites and when a client needs Social Media help/management, Social Bug is who we always recommend. Month after month they report increased Engagement, Likes, follows, etc. for our clients. I highly recommend and love their quick response times too.

give us a buzz

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